Sunday, December 14, 2008

Go Green Challenge

Check out the article here:
Travis Muldowney, an enrollment counselor with University of Phoenix Online and Axia College, is a strong believer that the individual choices we make every single day have the potential to make a big impact on the environment. And he actively practices his belief. For example, he enables power management on all his computer monitors, washes his clothes in cold water, instead of hot, when possible, and even downsized from a v-8 to a v-6, saving fuel and money in the process.
Following the recent announcement of University of Phoenix's partnership with Salt River Project (SRP), the nation's third-largest public power utility, to purchase 46.5 million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy certificates, Travis took his dedication to the next level.
"I was inspired by the University of Phoenix's commitment to using green generated energy, so I followed suit. Once I read of the purchase details, I called my energy provider and asked them what I could do to go green."
After considering the options presented to him—choosing a plan that uses 35%, 50%, or 100% green energy - Muldowney elected to participate in the 100% green energy plan. "I figured that the small additional cost of $.01 per unit to go green at home for energy was minuscule to the positive effects that my decision will play on the environment."
Muldowney represents a growing trend among Apollo Group employees towards subtle green evangelism and the belief that each and every person has the power to change things for the better in their everyday lives. Muldowney believes that by making small modifications and eco-friendly choices, individuals can become a force of change.
“Just do something, take that first step,” he says. “If everyone takes a small step, it will add up to a great result.”

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